MSB will host our annual general meeting in the Castleknock Hotel on Monday 29th January 2024 at 7.30pm.
We are encouraging all of our club members to attend the 2024 AGM. This past year has seen great changes in the club, with the addition of the new track as part of the Porterstown Recreational Hub and the addition of many new members - young and old.
With a successful and growing juvenile section, some amazing young talent developing at senior level and a thriving masters section, it is vital to MSB's continued growth that as many of our members as possible attend our AGM to help shape our future at this exciting time for MSB.
The AGM provides an opportunity to hear from you, our members, and also welcome new members to the committee for 2024.
The current Committee roles are President, Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Men’s Captain, Lady's Captain, Registrar, Coaching Coordinator, Child Welfare Officer and Public Relations Officer. These roles will be elected during the AGM.
MSB are also looking for volunteers in other key areas to join the committee; including managing and developing our club races, organising and sourcing new athletic equipment, health & safety, developing a club awards night, local fundraising and sponsorship, adult competition coordinator.
All committee roles are open to any interested adult MSB member. Essentially we really want to harness the wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm that we have in our wonderful club at this exciting time in our history.
The Hon. Secretary may receive motions for the AGM no later the seven days before the meeting. Please note that motions cannot be taken from the floor on the evening. Any MSB club member who is 16 years or older and who has been a club member for at least six months, is entitled to vote at General Meeting.
So keep the date free, Monday 29th January, remember the time, 7.30pm and note the venue, the Castleknock Hotel.
We look forward to seeing you there!